Karbala in image
Saturday, February 19, 2005
This year has been the most visible and "in-your-face" Muharram in Bahrain that I can remember. It seems that all the villages and all the matams are competing with each other by putting up the most black flags or banners, or displaying the most elaborate artwork. Although it can look sloppy when the flags or banners are carelessly put up everywhere, it seems that Ashura inspires a great deal of creativity in Bahrain. In that respect, I think the top prize has to be given to Diraz village for outdoing the rest by building this beautiful model:

A replica of the dome and minarets of Imam Hussain's mausoleum has been used as a backdrop for the scene from the Tragedy of Karbala when Zuljenah, the Imam's horse, returned to the camp of the Household, pierced by arrows and stained with blood.

Diraz also provided this beautiful painted banner:

There are tons more excellent models and artworks in the main procession area in Manama, but I didn't get a chance to take photos of them (except for the painting at the top of this post)... I'll try finding some links to pictures online.
Anyways, some other random photos of Ashura decorations around Bahrain. Continuing with Diraz:

The entrance to Bani Jamra:

A matam in Karranah village:

And another matam in Karranah:

A replica of Imam Hussain's tomb in Karzakan village (or maybe Dumistan village... I forget):

2/19/2005 06:22:00 pm
For those of us still struggling to learn Arabic, what is the last word in the Diraz banner? (As Salaam al Leik Ya ____?)